
Freely-available “Introduction to Hydrology” Textbook

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Textbook downloads:

The iBooks version (which is viewable on iBooks viewer) is available for download at the iBooks Store: iBooks Version (2017a Edition).

If you’d prefer a PDF version with embedded videos instead, you can you can download it directly (~360MB file!): PDF Version (2017a Edition).

The lecture slides that accompany the book may be useful to students and/or instructors: Zipped slides for each chapter.

MOD-WET downloads:

The MOD-WET functions (and some test basin files) are provided in the following zipped file with functions grouped by chapter in the textbook: zipped MOD-WET codes.

Additionally, there is a “User Guide” for the MOD-WET model provided below: MOD-WET 2017a User Guide.

A presentation designed to provide a tutorial for the MOD-WET watershed model setup is given in the following video (in 3 parts): MOD-WET Tutorial (part 1 of 3), MOD-WET Tutorial (part 2 of 3), MOD-WET Tutorial (part 3 of 3).