
We are always looking for highly-motivated and qualified students and post-docs who are interested in working on challenging problems in the areas of hydrology, hydrometeorology, hydroclimatology, and water resources engineering to join our research group. Please feel free to consult the UCLA Civil and Environmental Engineering page for information about applying for graduate school and/or contact me about possible positions and opportunities in the group.

Principal Investigator

Steve Margulis, Professor |

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Graduate Students

Yiwen Fang, Ph.D. Student |

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Yufei Liu, Ph.D. Student |

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Jacob Schaperow, Ph.D. Student |

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Manon von Kaenel, Ph.D. Student |

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Research Staff

Dongyue Li, Postdoctoral Scholar |

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Group Alumni

Ph.D. Students:

Elisabeth Baldo (Now at: Indigo Agriculture)
Gonzalo Cortes
Michael Durand (Now at: Department of Earth Sciences, Ohio State University)
Barton Forman (Now at: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Maryland)
Manuela Girotto (Now at: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
Hsin-Yuan Huang (Now at: Joint Institute for Regional Earth System Science & Engineering, UCLA)
Laurie Huning (Now at: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UC Irvine)
Keith Musselman (Now at: Department of Geography, University of Colorado/CIRES)
Mahdi Navari (Now at: Goddard Space Flight Center)
Che-Chuan Wu

Postdoctoral Scholars/Researchers:

Sayed Bateni (Now at: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Hawaii)
Chunlin Huang (Now at: Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Songweon Lee
James McPhee (Now at: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Chile)
Noah Molotch (Now at: Department of Geography, University of Colorado)